Install PecubeGUI

Get PecubeGUI

PecubeGUI-beta is now available ! This version has been tested for bugs and stability, and is close to its first official release. However, you might still face some unnoticed crashes/bugs. If it happens, please do not hesitate to report it here:
We release this version to give the community a first appreciation of PecubeGUI.


Two packages exist for PecubeGUI-beta on MacOs. For MacOs with Apple chip M1 or M2, and for MacOS with intel chip. For the latter, PecubeGUI only work for Os version >11 (BigSur).

You can download the package on this page:

To use PecubeGUI on macOS, first install the pakage by clicking on the PecubeGUI.pkg. An installation process window will appear, you just have to follow the steps.


When trying to open the package, the system might complain saying it cannot open it because it is not registered in the Apple Store. To circumvent this, just roght click on the package, click ‘open’, and accept to open anyway (after the warning).


You can download the package on this page:

After downloading the PecubeGUI_installer.exe file, clicking on it will start an installation process. You just have to follow the instructions and PecubeGUI will be installed on your local machine.


In the current version, you need to keep the Pecube directory where it is installed by the installation process. In a later version, you will able to move the Pecube directory to another location in you computer. Thus, the next time you will open PecubeGUI, it will simply ask you to locate the Pecube directory at its new location. This functionality will enable the user to dowload and update PecubeGUI without erasing the Pecube directory where all the Pecube projects are stored.

How to cite

If you use PecubeGUI for your research please cite: M. Bernard, P. van der Beek, J. Braun, X. Robert, C. Colleps, K. Gallagher, W. Guenthner, J. Amalberti, & I. Wapenhans. (2023). PecubeGUI-beta (1.0.0-beta). Zenodo.